Gum Care & Gum Disease Treatment
in Fremont and Pleasanton

How we help you eliminate gum disease

Gum disease treatment

Dr. Sablan and her staff will help you eliminate gum disease with gentle treatment to handle mild or more advanced cases.

The cause of gum disease is primarily the presence of bacteria. Therefore, we offer non-surgical treatment to remove the bacteria in cases of mild to intermediate gum disease. This is done by means of Scaling and Root Planing (or "Deep Cleaning"). We take care to keep this procedure painless, while still remaining thorough.

Because one cannot see inside the deep pockets, Deep Cleaning is done by feel and while it eliminates a large portion of the bacteria and "barnacles" attached to the root, it is not possible to locate all of them. Therefore, in addition to Deep Cleaning we use Arestin® therapy to help rid your gums of infectious bacteria. Arestin therapy is accomplished by placing a special antibiotic in the deep pockets under the gum where bacteria accumulates. Arestin therapy greatly reduces the chances of further progression of the gum disease.

Dr. Sablan also uses Chlorhexadrine mouthwash to help get rid any lingering swelling, redness or bleeding in the gums that comes about from gingivitis.

Symptoms of gum disease

Factors that contribute to gum disease include poor oral hygiene, irregular professional dental cleanings, smoking or chewing tobacco, certain medications, defective fillings, crooked teeth and systemic diseases.

Warning signs of gum disease are:

  • Gums that bleed during tooth brushing
  • Gums that have pulled away from the teeth
  • Persistent bad breath or bad taste
  • Permanent teeth that are loose or separating
  • Any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite

A healthy lifestyle, regular brushing and flossing, and regular visits to the dentist for cleanings are the best way to keep your gums healthy and to avoid gum disease.

What is gum disease and what causes it?

Gum disease is the #1 cause of adult tooth loss in the US!

Gum disease is caused by bacteria in your mouth. In a healthy state, the gums around your teeth are tight, pink, do not bleed when they are gently probed, and there is little space between the gums and the teeth for bacteria to build up.

If the bacteria are not removed effectively, the first stage of gum disease is that your gums can start to bleed and may become red and swollen (gingivitis). This may not be readily visible, especially in between and around the back teeth, but the space between the gums and teeth becomes bigger. The bacteria now have somewhere to hide.

Gum Disease diagram

The doctors will go over the exam in detail and answer your questions.

As the space (pocket) deepens, the bacteria change in nature and become more aggressive. Your body starts to fight this infection. The combination of the bacteria and your body's response to them, leads to a loss of the bone that supports the teeth. This is periodontal disease or periodontitis (periodontitis — a word that comes from the combination of the smaller words: "per" meaning around, "dont" meaning tooth and "itis" meaning inflammation or infection).

Therefore, the most important thing to do is correctly diagnose the presence and severity of gum disease. We test your gums for signs of gum disease and severity and then an appropriate plan can be made to prevent the spread and progression of the disease.

Schedule an Appointment

If you need to schedule an appointment, please call our office at 510-252-0555 (Fremont Office) or 925-399-5545 (Pleasanton Office) and we will be happy to help you. You can also schedule an appointment online by clicking here.

Our Gum Disease Treatment

Expert deep cleaning

The first line of attack in treating moderate and even severe gum disease is thorough deep cleaning. We use ultrasonic scalers to gently remove the accumulated plaque and calculus on the surfaces of your teeth above and below your gum line. We then smooth the tooth root surfaces using hand scalers so the gums can reattach easily and from a strong bond that will protect your teeth.

New Patient Special $100 Exam and X-rays

Dental Special Offer

We would like to welcome you to our practice with this special offer – a full oral exam including x-rays for only $100 – a savings of over $100. This offer is available for new patients only.

To take advantage of this offer, call 510-252-0555 (Fremont Office) or 925-399-5545 (Pleasanton Office) or click here to request an appointment online.